new year's eve Event Details

10:00 and 11:15 pm
Chicken Head Blues Band

at Omni Ballroom
10:00 and 11:15

“I was born in a south Louisiana chicken coop with a bottle neck on my little finger and a guitar in my hand. Been playin’ dem Chickenhead Blues ever since I could crawl, from the Mississippi Delta to the North Carolina Piedmont, from the Cape Fear River Basin to the Smokey Mountains." CHICKEN ROAD was a top ten finalist in the IBC 2010 best self-produced CD contest. CHICKENHEAD BLUES was declared to be “one of the best sounding, well produced blues CDs ever recorded!” Winner of the 2009 and 2012 Cape Fear Blues Society Solo Blues Challenges and the 2010 and 2013 Triangle Blues Society Solo Blues Challenge... The Chickenhead Blues Band won the 2007 Cape Fear Blues Society Blues Challenge.

Chicken Head Blues Band
